Start As You Intend To Continue: The Foundations of Productivity
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Productivity requires a solid foundation if the methods are to be successful. Just like every building must have a solid foundation if it is going to remain standing, productivity must also have a solid foundation unless you want it to crumble underneath you.
We are in a ten-article series on the foundations of productivity. Today we will look at another fundamental rule: start as you intend to continue.
Why January First?
New Year’s resolutions have long fascinated me. Is there, I wonder, something magical about the first of January that will guarantee results?
In fact, putting changes off until January first is just a socially sanctioned form of procrastination.
Same with any other “I’ll wait to start that until…(you fill in the blank: have a birthday, have more time, retire, have kids, get married, have more money in the bank, etc.)
Think about it…
“I’ll wait until I have more time to clean my email.” And then months go by and important emails are left languishing.
“I’ll wait until I have more time to purge my files.” And then you spend hours looking for a document somewhere in the pile.
“I’ll wait until I have more money in the bank before I pursue something I truly love doing.” And the job sucks your soul away.
Why Not Now?
The trouble with waiting for the right time is that time is rarely right. Waiting until a set of circumstances are in your favor to do something you really want or need to do is not going to get things done.
Waiting until a date or event in the future just means you are not going to progress on your desires.
Why not start now? Why not abandon putting it off, and get started. You may not have all the resources you need, but at least you can make a start on what you want to do.
Stop Procrastinating…
Don’t allow yourself to fall into sanctioned procrastination. If you want to make a change, do it. Start now. Don’t wait until a fictional day, because by then it might be too late.
As Whittier said, “For of all sad words of tongue or pen, The saddest are these: ‘It might have been!'”
So How Is This Tied To Productivity?
Productivity is doing the right tasks (effective) in the right way (efficient).
If you don’t do the task at all, that means you are doing something else that is not moving you closer to your goals.
If you are putting off making a change that will make things easier, then you are not doing things efficiently.
Start As You Intend To Continue
It may not be the ideal time. But you can still start.
You may not have all the resources to complete the task. But you can still start.
You may feel the goal is so huge and big that it can never be obtained. But you can still start moving toward it.
Start. Start as you mean to continue. And you will make far more progress than simply waiting for the right circumstances.
Getting Started
So how do you get started?
My favorite method: make a list. I write all the things that I could do to bring me closer to my goal. I don’t edit as I write, I just write everything I can think of that is any way related to my goal. I set the timer for 10 minutes and don’t stop writing.
Yes, some of the ideas are junk. But some are things that I can do now that will move me in the right direction.
Don’t wait until a time or event to start something helpful or important. Find a way to start today, and continue on the same path.