Infographic: 15 Ways To Improve Your Memory
It has always seemed to me that memory plays a huge role in my level of productivity. Some days I can’t Remember what I was doing from one moment to the next.
I’ve tried to improve my memory at various points in my life. Sadly, and I wish this really was the joke it seems to be, I forgot I had purchased a memory improvement book. I found out when I purchased another copy of the book and put it on my shelf.
I learned quite a bit about memory and how we remember things during my teacher training. I saw enough in the classroom to see that these things were actually true. But most people aren’t aware of what it takes to remember things.
Today I have an info graphic that talks about 15 ways to improve your memory. The infographic was provided by GetVoIP. You can check out their take on the infographic at 15 Ways to Improve Your Memory for Maximum Productivity
Many thanks to GetVOIP for sharing this!