The Value of Direction
It’s no secret that I like to plan. It’s isn’t just about the end result which is working on the best activities (when I stick to the plan). I also enjoy the planning itself. Most of my life is driven by plans and lists. And it works for me – for the most part.
I have a list of projects and when I finish one, I pick something else and move forward. I don’t necessarily take the time to consider that list in its entirety.
This December I took some time off that wasn’t filled with holiday activities. This was mainly because I figured out how I have been dragged into so many holiday performances. So my time off was actually down time, and as I write this on New Year’s Day I feel relaxed and focused.
Since it is the new year, I am looking at what I would like to do in the next year. Not in examining the list or adding/deleting items. But in general, what direction would I like to head?
I’ve never been a fan of concrete long-term (1 year plus) goals. I hate life purpose questions. For me it’s more about figuring out a direction and moving that way.
I find that trying to force my life into goals that may no longer fit is an exercise in frustration and unhappiness. I’ve been in spots where goals no longer have meaning – why continue spending the energy and time in forcing myself to finish?
This time of the year is not about resolutions for me. It’s not about planning the projects I will finish in the next year. It’s about considering my direction and then thinking about what I can do to head that way. Sometimes that becomes projects. But sometimes it is more about an attitude or even researching something new.
How are you approaching the next year? More of the same? Or will you head in a different direction?