From Laura’s Desk – 26 April 2017
Quote of the Week
“People who cannot find time for recreation are obliged sooner or later to find time for illness.” — John Wanamaker
Remember when you were a child? What did you like to do? Was it play outside? Blow bubbles? Color? Sing? Play a sport?
How long has it been since you did those activities?
When we reach adulthood, many of us leave activities behind. I hear people say that they don’t do the things they used to enjoy because they weren’t any good.
Yes, being good at something can be enjoyable. But freeing yourself of the necessity of excellence can allow you to enjoy an activity for the sake of the activity.
Spring is here. And the stores are filled with all sorts of things like chalk and bubbles and bouncing balls and such. Could you take advantage of those activities now to have some fun and recreation?
It’s something to think about.
That’s about it for this week’s edition. We’ll see what next week brings. Until then, be productive, be peaceful, and keep your balance.