Simplifying Back To School Shopping
It's that time of year. The days are growing shorter, the weather is cooling (some places), and the anticipation (or dread) for the first day of school is in the air. My daughter loves school, and loves preparing for school. I learned some significant lessons this year for simplifying back to school that I thought I would share with you.
5, 10 and 15 Minute Decluttering
Most people I know won't embark on a big decluttering because they think it will take too long. I decided to put together a list of quick decluttering projects to get you started getting rid of the junk in little chunks of time.
Simplifying Children’s Birthday Parties
Two words strike terror into the hearts of many parents: birthday parties. The thought of having hordes of children running amok under your supervision and in your home can be downright scary. Add in all the things that parties have started to "require": entertainment, bouncy houses, treat bags, activities and more, and most of the parents I know will run for the nearest all-inclusive package at the local laser tag building. But it doesn't have to be that way. Birthday parties can be simple and easy, and still be enjoyable. Here's how...
My Take On Zone Cleaning: Or The 13 Zones
Wednesdays are simplicity days at SimpleProductivity blog. One of Flylady’s big ideas is breaking the house down into five zones and clean in the zone-of-the-week, one week in the month for each zone. Being the geek that I am, I had two problems with this system: no month contains five full weeks, meaning that two zones would be consistently short-changed; and I have way more than five rooms to care for. Add to that I always felt like I was cleaning things that didn’t need to be cleaned… I guess if you cleaned every day you could get past the first objection, but there were days when I just couldn’t fit it in. And covering all that territory in five zones overwhelmed me. So I decided to modify the zones. Why 13 Zones? Looking at the calendar, I could find two logical divisions: by months or by…
How To Simplify Flylady
Wednesdays are simplicity days at SimpleProductivity blog. Flylady is one of the biggest systems for managing your home cleaning out there. It works for many people. But if you’re one of the unlucky few that it doesn’t work for, Flybabies (adherents to Flylady’s system) will tell you that you didn’t try hard enough. One of the biggest search terms that brings people to this blog is “when Flylady doesn’t work.” So I know that it isn’t just me that it doesn’t work for. I did try. I worked that system for well over five years before I finally threw in the towel. March to the Drum Flylady’s system is very regimented. Dozens of reminder emails are sent out with a militant bent. You MUST shine your sink every night. You MUST do 15 minutes of cleaning every day. You MUST clean by zones. Everything has its time,…