Reducing Inputs: Phones
In this day, most of us have two or three phones. Each of these phones have voice mail, and usually one of those phones is carried at all times. The amount of information coming from these phones can be overwhelming. Let's look at reducing the phone inputs.
Reducing Your Inputs: Email
How many email addresses do you have? From how many places do you get email? How much of that email is not relevant? In today's article about reducing inputs, we are going to tackle that modern miracle and bane: email.
Reducing Your Inputs: Introduction
One of the things about modern life is we have way more information coming at us than people in any other time. The only way to keep from being sucked under is to reduce the inputs that we have flying at us. David Allen recommends reducing the inboxes. Since Getting Things Done was written, I think there are even more inboxes coming at us.
What Is Wrong With Easy?
Sometimes we need to benefit from doing things the easy way, and also making things easier...
Media Diet: Slimming Other Media
In the past few weeks, we have talked about putting media consumption on a diet to limit information overload. This week, the last week of the series, I am mopping up with the other types of media in our lives. Slimming other media is the last step in getting your information overload under control.
Media Diet: Print Media
One of the things that has happened in the past few years is that magazines have crept back into my life. At one point I had cancelled all subscriptions except one. Yet when I looked around last weekend, I found seven different magazines in my to-read pile. I can't keep up with this many magazines, which is why I have a to-read pile. Clearly this has gotten out of hand. I need to add print media to my media diet.
The Media Diet: Corralling Newsletters
They're all over the place on the web: give us your email address, and we'll send you a great free something and a newsletter. I know this, and I do it myself. It also happens in paper: give a charitable organization some money, and suddenly you are getting a paper newsletter or magazine. But what happens when you realize that you are inundated?
The Media Diet: Paring Online Information
As I recently wrote, I have been working to pare down how much information I have coming into my life. I was taking in so much and it was becoming less and less valuable as I struggled to keep up with everything coming at me. So I have gone on a media diet. I have been paring online information intake. Today's article will show you how I got my online sources purged and to a reasonable level.