The Beagle Guide To Simplicity
My dog had things that she could teach me. She had few needs, few desires. Her life was peaceful and simple. So here is the Beagle's Guide to Simplicity.
Doing Time Compression Right
One of the ways to get things done faster is to use time compression: set a tight deadline and then pare down the task at hand to the bare essentials.
How To Spot and Stop Scope Creep
Scope creep is when you are asked to add things into a job to get it to done. It means that "done" becomes a moving target, and can cause things go be in a perpetual state of work.
How To Eliminate Life Feature Creep
Feature creep is not just something that happens in software. The over-complication of devices that we use can lead to a near constant level of feature creep with every area of our lives.
Applying Pareto To Housecleaning
I've talked about the 80/20 principle before. Formally known as the Pareto principle, it says that 80% of the results will come from 20% of your effort. Today I want to apply this rule to housecleaning.
My Recipe Cheat Sheet
I have a tendency to make the same recipes frequently. I know the steps to make the food, but not necessarily the exact proportions. Yes, I could look them up, but just having a list with my bare-bones information was all I really needed.
9 Strategies for Living on One Income
With the economy tanking, and people facing job loss at record levels, I thought I would share what I learned from my three months of unemployment.
The Whys of Productivity: Writing Things Down
It doesn't matter which system you look at: Daytimer, Filofax, 7 Habits, GTD, Do It Tomorrow, Bullet Journal...every system insists that you write things down. Each system differs on how and where you should write them down, but they all want you to get it down on paper (or electrons).