• How To Get The Most Out of Your Staycation

    5 Ways To Get The Most Out Of Your Staycation

    This week is spring break for my school district. It is the first time I have experienced a school spring break since I was in college, and obviously the way I view spring breaks then and now are widely different. Since my husband has to work this week, it is a staycation… my daughter and I will be doing some things, but we are both off from our typical pursuits. I’ll be honest. Teaching has been incredibly stressful. Not just by the class of repeating students who refuse to take any responsibility for their failure or their ongoing education, but it is made worse by a heavy-handed and bullying administrator who has chosen to scrutinize every move that both myself and the other new teacher in the school make. (At least I have a fellow torture victim to commiserate with and our mentors are doing everything they…

  • Planning,  Simplify

    Prevent Predictable Annoyances

    One of the funniest phrases I have heard in the past few months is "Pigeons of Discontent." This was meant as the opposite of "Bluebirds of Happiness", and I find that it is very apt. Essentially it is the category of items that are annoyances. And like pigeons, these are the common, garden-variety, everyday annoyances that can peck away at our happiness and contentment.

  • Planning,  Productivity

    How To Plan A Month

    Many productivity systems focus on the task list. You might have a calendar, but that would be only for fixed appointments. If there aren't any fixed appointments, the calendar gets ignored so you can focus on your task list. It is far too easy to slip into a pattern of glancing at the calendar, then plowing through tasks.

  • Planning,  Simplify

    How To Streamline Inputs

    One of the best ways to swamp yourself is to have too many things coming at you from too many directions. If you were in a canoe and the waves started coming at you from all sides, it is guaranteed you would go for a swim. It is also the same with the information we take in.

  • Planning,  Productivity

    Do You Have Brain Thrash?

    Since we have a computer metaphor going here for revamping your life, I wanted to talk a bit about thrash. Thrash is where "computer resources are used to do a minimal amount of work, with the system in a continual state of resource contention." Humans can thrash too, except we have a nicer word for it: multitasking.