The Power Of Plus: Microsoft Gets On Board
One of the most powerful things about Gmail is that you can add a “+tag” to your email address, turning your single email address into an infinite amount of addresses. These modified plus addresses can then be used to filter email with great precision.Microsoft finally is getting on board with this, setting the Plus addressing as a default as of April 22, 2022. It can still be overridden by system administrators, but hopefully most people will take the default.
Reviewing Your Someday List: 5 Essential Questions
When you have too many things in a backlog and keep adding to it, something will eventually give. We don’t have infinite time and attention, and we can’t keep expecting that we can add to a backlog infinitely. Today we look at 5 essential questions for reviewing your someday list.
I’m not always productive
I'll let you in on a little secret: I'm not always productive.
How To Be Productive While Laid Off
Back in 2008 I was suddenly laid off from my job. My client canceled all contracts in the space of an afternoon, and my own company, which I had been with for 12 years, laid me off via email the next morning.After years of being in an office, I was suddenly at loose ends. My daughter was in first grade, and I wasn't sure what I would do next. I wanted to take my time to find the right job, but otherwise I didn't know.
What Makes A Worthwhile Project?
Not all projects are created equal. Yet many of us routinely pile things onto our already over-full plates without stopping to consider if the project needs to be done at all, or if you are the best person to do it.And just because we are all individuals, each person must have individual standards about if a project is worth doing. Here are two ways that I look at projects:
How To Cut Your Losses and Start Over
Have you ever gotten so far behind in something that it would be easier to start over than to catch up? Sometimes you just have to cut your losses and start over.I recently realized I had a few hundred podcasts to listen to, and the list was growing bigger each week. It wasn't that I didn't enjoy them, I just hadn't made time to listen for the past few months.I knew I would never get through the backlog, and I would fall further and further behind. It was time for drastic action.
How to Quickly Generate Tasks For Your Software
Getting large amounts of tasks into any task manager can be hard. Today I will show you my method of using a spreadsheet to generate tasks that can be then emailed to my system.
Using Feedback Loops To Improve Productivity
A feedback loop is something which gives you information about an action you have taken. As Wikipedia says: "the causal path that leads from the initial generation of the feedback signal to the subsequent modification of the event".I once heard a talk about the concept of feedback loops in relation to environmentalism. It got me thinking about feedback loops, and how they can be applied to our productivity.