How To Prioritize Your Task List
There are a lot of theories and methods out there for determining what task to do next. Some say do it by where you are (context). Some say to do things by putting them in four quadrants. And Mark Forster says to do it by lead time. Today we will look at prioritizing by lead time.
Help! I’m Drowning In Email!
Help! I am drowning in email!Email usage is out of hand these days. Too much gets sent around to too many people. Is it any wonder that very few people have "inbox zero"?Here are some basic tips to help you dig your way out of the pile.
Help! I can’t get it all done!
Help! I can't get it all done!Let's set a baseline here: no one dies with an empty in box.That being said, though, it is still very possible to be overwhelmed with everything you have to do.
Help! I’m Always Rushing To Finish Things!
There are times when we have to go into "crunch mode" to get something done on time. Yet if this is a habit for you, there might be something else at work. Today we will look at the productivity pain point of rushing to finish things.
Why Doing Non-Productive Things Are Necessary To Productivity
Stress injuries are not just of the body. They can happen to our minds, requiring spurts of non-productive time to maintain our overall productivity.
Comfort and Productivity
Anything that distracts you from the task at hand is counter to productivity. Have you ever considered how any discomforts in your environment is negatively affecting your productivity? Just like an itch that can't be scratched, a little discomfort can grow in our minds until we completely derail our productivity. The solution is usually very simple, though. Recognize the problem, and move to a solution. Here are some ways to get back on track for some common discomforts.
5 Simple Procrastination Busters
We've all had days where we have had trouble getting things started. Perhaps it is just a general disinclination; or perhaps we are dawdling. The end effect is we are not getting done what needs to be done. Today we will look at five procrastination busters to get you started on your tasks.
You Are Not Responsible For Other’s Expectations
It is easy to do something because someone expects it. But that doesn't account for whether we want to do it, or if we even should do it.But that doesn't mean we should continue to do what is expected, if it doesn't work for us.