Getting Started With Bullet Journaling: Infographic
This was a great info graphic I ran across at Tiny Ray of Sunshine. If you want to know more about bullet journaling, check out Tiny Ray of Sunshine.
Black Holes: A Danger To Productivity
Have you ever lost track of a deadline, in spite of your best intentions? Your task might have been sucked into a productivity black hole. I realized the other day that I have a couple of these productivity killers laying around. The first two were folders on my computer where I put stuff for filing -- a "file" folder, and a folder in my pictures. I have been stashing things in there for a long time, and I can't remember the last time I emptied them. I also have a black hole within my productivity system - my someday/maybe list. I put things on there, and then forget all about them. Huge productivity black holes.
Theme Words: An Easy Way To Keep Yourself On Track
What would you think if I told you that choosing and seeing a single word to represent what you hope to accomplish would make an incredible difference in your progress toward your goals? Theme words will.
Tips For An Efficient and Effective Day
This graphic was so spot-on I felt I had to share. (Source:
Productivity Toxins: Getting Past Distraction
Anybody out there every procrastinate? Raise your hand. No, you don’t need to look around. Yep, just as I thought. Everyone. We all know about procrastination. What you may not know is that there are procrastination toxins...people and things and situations that turn the possibility of procrastination into certainty. Today we will look at these productivity toxins and how to fix them.
From Laura’s Desk – 12 October 2016
Sometimes email and texting are great. But not always.
What’s Your Context? Getting Started With Productivity
My task list gets big. Fast. And if I don’t have a way to weed out what I am seeing, I get paralyzed. Contexts are the answer.
Reviewing the Outputs: Getting Started With Productivity
We’ve talked about inputs and outputs and how they relate to a productivity system. But when it is all boiled down, inputs and outputs are are just parts. It’s all about the doing...and knowing what to do when. That’s where reviewing the outputs comes into play. Productivity is all about keeping the most important things in front so that they don’t get lost in the urgent.