• Evernote

    Keeping Someday/Maybe in Line with Evernote

    What do you do with all the things you'd like to do someday, but just don't want to be bothered by now? David Allen suggests creating a someday/maybe list. It's a good idea - get the things down into a system that you'll review and decide if you truly want to do those things, and if so, when. I embraced the idea of a someday/maybe list when I read Getting Things Done. Here was a great way that I could keep track of all the things I wanted to do! But my someday/maybe turned into a never list. I talked about it in the article "Is Your Someday-Maybe List A Never List?". Today I'll explain how I implement that in Evernote, my tool for notes.

  • EmailOnly

    Use Email For Email Only

    In August we are taking a look at the details of my personal productivity system. Today we will look at how I handle the place where most of the information I need to deal with ends up: email.

  • Calendar

    Appointments Only: My Calendar

    During August I am giving an in-depth look at my personal productivity system. These are they tools that help me get things done. In the first article, I talked about the basic tools. The calendar part of the system is Google Calendar. Today I'll talk more about how I interact with Google Calendar.