Reclaiming Your Workspace: An Exercise in Productivity
When you sit down at your desk, are you eager to get to work, or are you put off. Maybe your desk is littered with reminders of unfinished tasks. Or perhaps there is just too much stuff there for you to think. In any case, it is easy to get rid of the distractions and reclaim a productive workspace. It had gotten to the point where I didn’t want to sit at my desk. I was actively avoiding it, preferring to work outside the house or on the kitchen table. Or even worse, avoiding the work altogether. Since it happened both at my regular desk and my writing studio, I had to figure out why I didn’t want to work in those places. The answer was that both workspaces were loaded with distracting clutter. Today I will give you a method to reclaim your workspace and get…
5 Places To Take Your Discarded Stuff
So you've decided to pare down your possessions. You pull out what you no longer want, and there is a big pile of it. What now? Throwing it out seems like a waste when most of the stuff is almost unused. Today we will look at 5 places to get rid of your unwanted stuff. And it may contain some surprises!
Use It Or Lose It
Most of us have heard the phrase "use it or lose it" when it comes to time off. But it can be applied in an effort to remove distraction from your life. Today we will explore five places to apply "use it or lose it" in the context of getting rid of stuff that is weighing you down. And some of them might surprise you!
Distracted By Things In Front of You? Here’s How To Get Past It
It's amazing. So many people don't take in the state of their immediate environment until it comes time to buckle down and do something. I never see the piles of paper on my desk waiting to be processed until I need to design something. I never see the emails waiting to be filed until I need to send a difficult email. I never see the partially empty coffee cups until I need to plan out my month's blogging schedule. I never see the state of my baseboards until it is time to empty the dishwasher and cook dinner. I never see the broken pencils and dead pens until it is time to write the novel. It's all about the things that I see that distract me from the difficult or undesirable work ahead.
4 Steps to Cut Back Your Overwhelming Schedule
Have you ever looked at your schedule and just wanted to hide? Today I will give you the 4 step process I used to cut back on an overwhelming schedule. It all started with an unrealistic expectation - that I would be able to do the same activities at the same level of participation as I could 15 years ago. Not withstanding that my commitments and circumstances were completely different. As a result of this expectation, I kept piling things onto my schedule, until it just about buried me. So here is exactly how I got it down to manageable levels.
Shareable: Gadget Distraction
"We use our gadgets for distraction and entertainment. We use them to avoid work while giving the impression that we're actually working hard." --Meghan Daum
Lower Your Phone Distraction
Most of us don't even realize how much our phones are begging for our attention. They whir, beep, buzz, ping and pop up messages. They put numbers on the screen to remind us of what we are missing. And every time we look, we are pulling our attention away from what we should be doing.Unfortunately, it takes time for us to get our attention back to where it should be, and that time switching - not to mention the time checking out the cause of the whir/beep/buzz/number - is lost.Today we will look at how to lower your phone distraction.
My 2 Main Problems In 2017
One of the things I do at this time of the year is to look back at the past year and evaluate how it went. 2017 was a good year for me; however I feel dissatisfied with it because I feel I could have done so much more. As a result, I am going to be taking a new approach to my whole life and productivity, starting with two main areas.