• improve concentration

    Five Ways to Improve Concentration

    I am infinitely distractible, particularly when I am doing something that hasn't captured my imagination. I believe that concentration can be learned. I've managed to improve my concentration skills over the years. Here are some ways to improve concentration:

  • Block Scheduling
    Deliberate Living,  Productivity

    Block Scheduling: Good or Bad?

    If you are looking to stop wasting time in your day, block scheduling can seem like a really good idea. I tried it for a few weeks, and I have found that it has pros and cons.What is Block Scheduling?Block scheduling is when you take the free time on your calendar and fill that time with intended focus and/or tasks.As a proponent of deliberate living, this seemed like a very good thing: sit down once a week and choose what I will be doing with my non-structured time. I hoped that it would eliminate wasted time that I could be doing something productive. I also hoped that it would allow me to be more deliberate in how I was spending my time.

  • cell phone

    Why I Keep My Cell Phone On

    One of the common pieces of productivity wisdom is "turn your cell phone off." I agree that smart phones can be a distraction. It all comes down to managing the usage. And I leave mine on, even when I need to concentrate. Here's why.

  • take notes with pictures

    Take Notes with Pictures

    A picture is worth a thousand words, or so the saying goes. In our modern lives, we focus on text: text messages, emails, web pages, books, newsletters. But sometimes a picture is a better way to capture information. And with cameras on phones, it becomes even easier.

  • scale your task list

    4 Ways To Scale Back Your Task List

    There are days when I am overwhelmed. I still haven’t learned to only put on my task list what I can actually do. Today we will look at how to scale back your task list. I approach my task list from the standpoint that if it is on there, I have committed to do it…today. This isn’t always feasible, though, and it can build up to the point where I need to revisit the list. I recently needed to scale back my to do list, and here are the ways I did it:

  • overwhelmed
    Deliberate Living,  Productivity

    What To Do When You’re Overwhelmed

    It's one thing to make deliberate choices when the choices are easy. But what can you do when there are too many to choose from and they all need to be done yesterday? What do you do when you're overwhelmed?Overwhelm is a common problem and can stop people from doing anything. After all, why even start if you can't possibly finish? I'm looking at a perfect storm of a week: meetings Tuesday through Friday, along with a full task list. Here are the steps I took to make this week do-able.