• Use Tools Appropriately
    Foundations,  Productivity

    Use Tools Appropriately: The Foundations of Productivity

    There is a tool for everything. Take a look around any home improvement store, and you will see exactly what I mean. But even with this variety of tools, it is still tempting to use a tool inappropriately. It is important to the success of the project for you to use tools appropriately. Productivity requires a solid foundation if the methods are going to be successful. Just like every building must have a solid foundation if it is going to remain standing, productivity must also have a solid foundation unless you want it to crumble underneath you. We are in a ten-article series on the foundations of productivity. Today we will look at another fundamental rule: use tools appropriately.

  • Foundations of productivity: don't fiddle
    Foundations,  Productivity

    Don’t Fiddle: The Foundations of Productivity

    Productivity requires a solid foundation if the methods are successful. Just like every building must have a solid foundation if it is going to remain standing, productivity must also have a solid foundation unless you want it to crumble underneath you. We are starting a ten-article series on the foundations of productivity. Today we will look at a cardinal rule: don't fiddle.

  • Foundations Of Productivity
    Foundations,  Productivity

    The Foundations of Productivity

    I've been thinking a lot about foundations lately, so I decided to start the year at Whole Life Productivity with an article series about the foundations of productivity.This article series will take you through ten of the foundations of productivity and show you how to build them up to increase your productivity, whether at work or at home. I remember watching my husband pour a concrete slab. He cleared the ground, removing the grass and rocks, then used a tool to pound the dirt flat. It was a lot of effort, and I asked him why. He replied, "Without a good foundation, everything on top will crack."