Signs You Don’t Need A Time Management Upgrade
It's always a temptation for me to fiddle with my system rather than actually do the work needed to move myself toward my goals and complete my projects. And so I get a lot of articles in various places on when to upgrade my time management. One of the things I have learned, though, is that it's not about time management, but what I should be focusing on.
How To Plan A New Year
It's the New Year. Have you done any planning? I sometimes feel like I have done more drifting than planning. But planning will give a sense of direction. Think of it as a road trip with some destinations in mind. I'm not talking about the high-flung promises you might make to lose weight or get more organized. I'm talking about deciding what direction you want to go in, and setting up some plans to move in that direction. No? You haven't done a plan? You should. It's not too late.
Is Productivity Overrated?
Productivity - personal and work - was the hot topic of the past decade. Everywhere one turned there were sites and articles on lifehacks and how to be more productive. But is productivity overrated?
5 Ways To Survive A Task Explosion
Have you ever found that there is a time when your life is suddenly frantically busy? So much that there are not enough hours in the day to accomplish everything. I've heard this called a Task Explosion. I think explosion is an apt description, because for me it always happens suddenly, I never see it coming, and it sends me reeling across the landscape. I've had a couple of these happen this past year. A couple frantic all-hands-on-deck to get product out the door, coupled with family demands and suddenly everything is turbulent.
Concentration: Taming the Squirrels in My Head
I believe that focus is not just about eliminating the distractions of the squirrels in my head; it also has to do with having a strong concentration muscle.
Doing Time Compression Right
One of the ways to get things done faster is to use time compression: set a tight deadline and then pare down the task at hand to the bare essentials.
5 Things To Do When You Hit A Productivity Wall
It's funny. When we have all the plates spinning in the air, we never intend for any of them to fall. But when you're spinning plates, it's easy to hit the productivity wall.
5 Reasons To Use Checklists
Checklists are a great tool for productivity. They can save a lot of time and prevent mistakes, rethinking, and missing steps. Yet many people don't use them. Here are 5 reasons to get checklists into your productivity system today.