Podcast Episode 80: The 5 Podcasts I Always Listen To
A reader wrote in, curious as to what podcasts I listen to. She was particularly interested in how many productivity podcasts I follow. Today I talk about the 5 podcasts I never miss…and there is only one productivity podcast on that list!
Podcast Episode 79: Lowering Resistance
One form of procrastination that I fight frequently is what I call Newton Procrastination: a body at rest will remain at rest. It’s the main reason I can’t get moving on things. And the key to fighting this is to make the barrier to motion so small that it takes almost no effort to get past it. We’ll talk about this today in Episode 79: Lowering Resistance.
Podcast Episode 78: Making Time For Reading
I am a reader. I can cruise through a couple of books a week. However, my backlog is continually growing because I am only reading fiction. I decided a couple of months ago that I had to address the growing pile of nonfiction books. But it has not been an easy switch. In this episode, number 78, I will share the tips that I have used to make time for reading.
Podcast Episode 77: One Project at a Time or Many?
We all know that multitasking is bad. It has been estimated that multitasking can cost as much as 40% of your attention. But what about multi-projecting? Is it better to work one project and see it through? Or work several at a time? We will explore this question in Episode 77: One Project at a Time or Many?
Podcast Episode 76: Questions To Keep You From Wasting Time and Energy
Have you ever completed a job task or a project, just to be told that it was no longer needed? I’ve seen it happen time and again. Today’s podcast, Episode 76, will talk about Questions To Keep You From Wasting Time and Energy.
Podcast Episode 75: Perfectionism
A recent attempt to do Agile methodology “perfectly” had me stopping to look at the rest of my life. Perfectionism had crept back in. Today’s episode talks about what perfectionism can do to you, and some steps to combat it.
Podcast Episode 74: Things To Do In A New Year
I rarely have time to prep for the new year in December. The holiday season is a busy one for me, and it doesn’t allow for the retrospection that I find I want to give the start of a new year. I know that January 1 is only a date, but I like taking the slow weeks after the new year to consider the year ahead. I like to reflect and plan the new year in the slow weeks of January.
Podcast Episode 73: Getting Back On Track After Disruption
Disruptions are a part of life. But depending on how we approach them, they can be minor blips, or major derailments. Using anchor points to assess the level of disruption and modifying routines, both in simplifying or complicating, allow me to weather disruptions without long-term consequences.