Podcast Episode 88: Finis
The goodbye episode of the podcast.
Podcast Episode 87: Nightly Habits to Set Up An Easy Morning
I am by no stretch of any imagination a morning person. In fact, there are many mornings that I roll out of bed at my work starting time and head to my computer in my pajamas. Don’t judge. You’ve probably done it too. So when I recently started going back into the office a couple of days a week, I wondered how I had ever managed to do it every day. I realized quickly that if I was going to get out the door - or at least up before I had to start work - I would need to find a better way. I fell back to a really old way of doing things that I started when my daughter was an infant. This episode, number 87, is about how I did it….establishing nightly habits to set up an easier morning.
Podcast Episode 86: Why It Pays to Math
When I was a high school math teacher, I used to always ask my students to check if the answer they got made sense. I knew that this world takes advantage of people whose math skills are poor and I wanted to give them some tools to be able to cope. Today I want to talk about how simple math is very useful in life. This is Episode 86: Why It Pays To Math.
Podcast Episode 85: Enough
A few weeks ago the young adult group at church did the service. The person delivering the message is a Navy veteran, a NASA scientist, and at the start of her civilian career. Her talk on “enough” got me thinking about the concept, and some later events played on it. So this podcast, number 85, will be on “enough”.
Podcast Episode 84: Tackling The Task List
My task lists have become a problem. They’ve been growing steadily, and it is now not unusual for me to have 20+ tasks on the list as I start the morning.It’s not a sustainable approach. Even though I am knocking a good number of tasks off the list each day, it still keeps growing. There are some days I look at the list and I cannot even fathom where to begin.Today I will talk about my experiment with open, closed and hybrid task lists and the things I am trying to keep myself working. I’m going to call this Episode 84: Tackling the Task List.
Podcast Episode 83: Retention for Files and Email
Filing papers leads to overwhelmed file drawers unless you purge them regularly. It’s not just papers, though. It’s also all the electronic stuff that you save, both files and emails. It’s easy to tell ourselves it doesn’t matter because of essentially unlimited mailbox and disk drive sizes. However, the more we shove into a cabinet, be it real or virtual, without ever cleaning it out, the easier it becomes to lose things and spend hours trying to find the information. In Episode 83 we will talk about the need for retention policies - and some ideas on how to implement them.
Podcast Episode 82: Out of Sight, Out Of Mind
My mother had a saying: “Out of sight, out of mind.” In spite of her being a supremely organized person, her belief in out of sight out of mind led to piles of paper on her kitchen counter, desk and other places in her house. I also have a tendency to pile things in order to keep them on the front of my mind. This indicates a breakdown of my systems. And on the flip side, once things are in my trusted system, I have a tendency to ignore them if they are not right in front of my face. . In today’s podcast, Episode 82, I will address both sides of this concept.
Podcast Episode 81: My Weekly Review Questions
The weekly review, made popular by David Allen in Getting Things Done, is supposed to help you look back and assess the week as well as plan the next week. I have done various forms of the weekly review for years, but the “review” part of it always slid away in the face of planning for the next week. Recently I made a list of questions that will allow me to do a look back with intention, so that I can assess what happened in the past week - and more importantly, what is outstanding and why. I’m going to call this Episode 81: My New Weekly Review Questions.