Filing Heresy
I'm probably going to be called a heretic for this article, but I don't care. After all, heretic means "one who dissents from accepted belief", and this is definitely against the accepted belief of a few of the major productivity systems out here. Here it is: Not everyone can maintain a filing system.
Binder Clip Filing
Sometimes traditional filing systems are not the most efficient way to handle papers...especially if you are cycling through papers rapidly. Today we will talk about an alternative: binder clip filing.
Completely Unprepared For The Holidays and What I Did About It
OK, I really don't have a good reason. After all, every calendar I have seen for the past two months has reminded me that the holidays were barreling down on me like a freight train.And yet, I didn't start my shopping until the 19th, when I was in bed, frantically trying to find things that were Amazon Prime. My cards are still not mailed. Heck, they're still in the place I put them after last holiday season. Talk about a total breakdown of all organization systems.
How To Manage A Kindle Library
As I shared last week, I believe that ebooks are a great simplifier. They allow me to read more wherever I am. Unfotunately, managing the electronic library can quickly get overwhelming. Unlike with paper books, you can't sort them into piles, and it can be difficult to find what you are looking for. This week I share the strategies I use to manage my books as well as my reading workflow.
Simplifying My Books
It's not springtime, so I can't blame the urge to spring clean. All I know is that I walked around my house last week and got the overwhelming urge to purge. I always start is my books because I can go through them rapidly. Here is how I make this less painful and get them out of my house.
5, 10 and 15 Minute Decluttering
Most people I know won't embark on a big decluttering because they think it will take too long. I decided to put together a list of quick decluttering projects to get you started getting rid of the junk in little chunks of time.
How To Simplify Flylady
Wednesdays are simplicity days at SimpleProductivity blog. Flylady is one of the biggest systems for managing your home cleaning out there. It works for many people. But if you’re one of the unlucky few that it doesn’t work for, Flybabies (adherents to Flylady’s system) will tell you that you didn’t try hard enough. One of the biggest search terms that brings people to this blog is “when Flylady doesn’t work.” So I know that it isn’t just me that it doesn’t work for. I did try. I worked that system for well over five years before I finally threw in the towel. March to the Drum Flylady’s system is very regimented. Dozens of reminder emails are sent out with a militant bent. You MUST shine your sink every night. You MUST do 15 minutes of cleaning every day. You MUST clean by zones. Everything has its time,…