• Organization

    Organizing With Kids

    Kids don’t come with an owner’s manual. And most of them are not naturally organized and tidy. Letting them live in slob-ville is very tempting, I know. But as parents, we are tasked with raising functional adults. And that means teaching them how to organize. I am not naturally organized. I learned it at the hand (and at the bitter end of the tongue) of my mother. My daughter thinks it’s natural, and doesn’t even want to try. Yet we have been working with getting and keeping her organized for most of her life.

  • Organization,  Productivity

    How To Organize School Papers

    School papers - those treasured examples and markers of a child’s passage through school - are wonderful reminders of a child’s growth. But if you are drowning in school papers, you are risking losing other things in the slew of pulp. Today we will look at how to organize school papers and minimize the chance of lost items in the mess.

  • Organization,  Productivity

    How To Organize A Kindle Library

    As I have shared before, I believe that ebooks are a great productivity boost. They allow me to read more wherever I am. Unfortunately, managing the electronic library can quickly get overwhelming. Unlike with paper books, you can't sort them into piles, and it can be difficult to find what you are looking for. This week I share the strategies I use to manage my books as well as my reading workflow.

  • From Laura's Desk

    From Laura’s Desk – 17 August 2016

    I’ve been thinking a lot about organization lately. It started with Marie Kondo’s The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up. It’s an amazing and thorough system, and it has brought about some pretty big changes in my life. But once any organization system is in place, it has to be maintained. And so I have made some resolutions to help.