• owners manuals

    How To Control Owner’s Manuals

    Just about everything you buy comes with some sort of paperwork. Appliances, software, window accessories, even furniture comes with a stack of paperwork. While most of that information is simply the manufacturer's way of avoiding liability claims, there is occasionally times when you need to put your hands on that information. If you had to find the papers for a purchase, would you be able to do so? Today we will look at how to control owner's manuals.

  • manage children's papers

    How To Manage Children’s Papers

    Childhood is precious, and it passes quickly. The souvenirs of childhood - the papers that mark the gain of skills - can become a jumbled mass if not handled well. Without the context of child, age and year, many of the milestones can disappear. Today we will talk about a method to manage children's papers. Children are rightfully proud of the work they create, and they want to share it with their families. The amount of paper, though, can be overwhelming, with art projects, spelling tests,worksheets and more. If you have more than one child, it can take over. With a simple system, you can manage the paper so you don't lose the context of who did what when, but also not be overwhelmed with the quantity.

  • kindle book list

    Getting A Kindle Book List From Amazon

    I've been buying Amazon books since 2009. That's a whole lot of books. And while writing a recent article on backlogs, I realized that I have built up a huge backlog of unread books on my Kindle.How many, exactly? Well, there's no easy way to tell.Because Amazon doesn't have a way to export your purchased book lists from their system.That annoyed me. So I wrote a tool to help.

  • organize your workspace

    Organize Your Workspace with 7 Strategies

    If you had to show a photo of your workspace right now, would you be comfortable? You, like most people, probably need to have a session to organize your workspace before you could show it off. We recently had a "show your workspace" thread come up for my company. This was a part of an ongoing Teams campaign to keep us connected during the COVID isolation. As I looked at some of my co-workers' workspaces, I wondered how they could get anything done. Their desks are masses of equipment surrounded by piles of stuff.I challenge you to look around your workspace right now. Even if you think "it's not that bad", I would ask you if you can tell me about all the hidden spots - drawers, organizers etc. If you can't, then there is room for improvement.So today I'm going to look 7 strategies to organize…