• Deliberate Living,  Organization

    How To Save Money, Time and Calories: “Backup” Pantry Meals

    I am big into the idea of menu planning. Besides allowing me to limit my shopping time, it takes off the afternoon pressure of trying to figure out what we will have for dinner.However, there are days when the planned menu just doesn't work. It could be because we have already eaten all the leftovers, schedules are in conflict, or because the cook (read: me) is ill. Fast food used to be the only option, but we discovered that it is easier and more healthy to have a few backup pantry meals on hand.

  • Deliberate Living,  Productivity

    Morning Tips for Non-Morning People

    I am not a morning person. In fact, I have great difficulty in waking up unless there is sufficient light. And since winter is a time of insufficient morning light, coupled with cold mornings, it is very difficult for me to get up and get things done. Yet getting those things done is what sets the tone for the whole day. Here are five ways that I get past the groggies:

  • Deliberate Living

    Ways To Find More Time For Yourself

    As the year is winding down, I reviewed my bullet journal. I was definitely busy in 2021, but busy with what? The minutiae of daily living. And yet I found myself wanting more time for me. I decided to brainstorm some ways to get myself some more time for myself.

  • Deliberate Living

    Life Design: What Do I Want My Weekend To Look Like?

    When I first approached deliberate living, I knew that I was going to have to make changes. My life wasn't anywhere close to what I wanted it to be. But I also realized that to a certain extent, I could design my life. Obviously, since I work outside the home for someone else, I don't have much choice in how that goes. But at home? That's a different story. And I started with the biggest chunk of time that I have: my weekends.

  • Deliberate Living

    Simplifying Holiday Meals

    I love traditional holiday meals. Not necessarily because of the traditions themselves, although they are meaningful, but because no one expects innovation. And no innovation means simple, because I've done it all before. As part of my move to deliberate living I have moved away from complex meals that stress me out to the point where I can't enjoy the holiday. So that means simplicity, repeatability and more enjoyment. With the American Thanksgiving and the winter holidays coming up, I thought I would share with you how I have simplified the big Thanksgiving dinner we have at our house.