5 Lessons I Learned On Hiatus
I think there is a difference between burnout and the need to step back and reassess choices. I’ve been burnt crispy at multiple times during my adult life, usually as the result of constant (self-inflicted) pressure and a FOMO attitude that drove me to take on too many (and ill-fitting) things. As a result of my recent hiatus, I really sat down and looked at my life. Today I talk about 5 lessons I learned while on hiatus.
Why I Hate “Life Purpose”
I really dislike being asked what my life purpose is. Here's now I approach a lack of a singular over-arching driving goal.
Why and How I Left Social Media
I’ve never been a rabid social media user, but I have gotten caught in endless scrolling loops. But even if you want to get away from it, the companies make it difficult. Today I will talk about why - and how - I left social media.
Work/Life Balance: 5 Simple (And Direct) Truths
So many people seeking inner peace and simplicity also mention that they are seeking a balance between work and life. I was greatly encouraged by Adrian Savage's article "Slow Leadership: The Plain Truth About Work/Life Balance" (sadly, no longer on the web). It really struck a chord with me. His five truths are:
Don’t Put People On Your Task List
Do you have people on your task list? My then-five-year-old spotted her name at the top of my task list. She wanted to know what it meant, and I explained to her that it was there so I would make sure to play with her.
10 Things To Say No To
As often happens when I realize I have overloaded myself again, I recently began to think about things I could say no to in my life. Saying NO is essential if I want to keep going on the things I want to say YES to. I need to be very clear on what I want and be able to keep all else out.
Saying No
Our society doesn't condition us to say no. But it becomes necessary if you want to get a grip on an overcrowded schedule and/or task list.
You Are Here: Being Present
Keep your head where your feet are. Be present. You might be surprised at how much difference it can make.