Things I Learned From My Mother’s Death
I had a really rough August into September. Two days after we took my only child to college and became empty nesters, my mother passed away. My husband and I made the drive to Wisconsin. I came away with some profound lessons. These are things that I am trying to incorporate into my life.
How to Fill In Energy Sinkholes
Managing our energy is one task that working parents face daily. Given the demands on us from both the office and home, we can quickly become drained. An old article over at Lifehack.Org got me thinking about energy sinkholes. I thought I would expand on these for working people.
Podcast Episode 68: The Case Against Lifehacking
It’s always a big temptation to take shortcuts. Imagine where we would be if Columbus didn’t think it would be shorter to go east instead of west to reach India? But just as Columbus’s shortcut went horribly wrong on so many levels, other shortcuts can also go wrong. And so today we are going to take on the case against a particular type of shortcuts. This is Episode 68: the case against lifehacking.
Creating Space
When I was first studying music, one teacher told me that music was what happened in the spaces between the notes. It was just as important to be creating space as it was to hit the perfect pitch, tone and expression. This thought changed the way I looked at the music, giving the spaces as much importance as the notes themselves. Life is also like this. We need to give as much weight to the spaces between activities as we do the activities. If we allow those spaces to vanish, much of the beauty is lost. (If you don't believe me, listen to Flight Of the Bumblebee a few times in a row).We face overwhelm daily with all of the information that comes at us.. It is so tempting to keep on going forward with our never-ending to-do lists, never taking the breaks to give meaning to…
Podcast Episode 67: Living With Chaos
Life rarely comes at us in neat little chunks. And when life is chaotic, it can breed even more chaos as we are forced to be constantly on our toes and ready to pivot. This episode is number 67, Living with Chaos.
How I Find Time For Project Work Every Day
One of the common things that I am asked is how I manage to get things done while juggling a job, family, house, hobbies and volunteer commitments. Someone jokingly said that I must have more hours in the day than the rest of the population, but I can assure you that isn’t the case.What I do have is a drive to not wait for the mythical “someday” to work on things that matter to me.
Assess Your Life Like Your Stocks
When deciding to hang onto a stock you have purchased, it's not about what you paid before. You have to consider if you would buy it again today, knowing about its performance since you purchased it. The same guidelines can help us get more deliberate in our lives.
Clearing Away Brain Fog
Brain fog: that feeling that you can’t see to the next thought in your head and getting turned around as you try to accomplish things. It’s like being lost in a thick bank of fog - except that it is all inside you. And unlike weather fog, sometimes you don’t have the option to wait until it lifts. I think that all of us have days when our brains are foggy and are just not quite up to peak performance. It can be due to lack of sleep, extra stress, poor food choices and any number of other things. Recently I experienced a serious lingering case of brain fog due to Covid, and I wanted to share seven things I did to get back on track from my brain fog.