How to Deal With Information Overload
There is so much information coming at us today. We get it from the media, internet, email, social media. We can try to escape, but as long as we have our phones, we have even more information at our fingertips. Some of this information is very useful - the internet presents a reference like we've never seen before in the history of man. We have at our fingertips all the knowledge we could possibly use to accomplish just about anything. But at the same time, some of this information is either useless or even harmful. If useless, it takes up our attention and energy. If harmful, it spurs feelings of jealousy, anger and even hatred. All this information is overwhelming. And without deliberate management, it can cause overload, where we are no longer able to process the information coming at us. So what can a single person…
Deliberate December
The holiday season is upon us. For most people, it hits like a blizzard tornado, and they find themselves spit out in January dazed, exhausted and bruised. And I understand, because I was like that for many years. Now, with my focus on deliberate choices, I am looking at a different type of December. I will state outright here that I am not a traditionally religious person, but I view December, with its various snowy light-centered holidays, as a time of reflection, planning, and rest. The earth is asleep at this time as the darkness grows and then starts to wane. So can one approach December’s holidays with a sense of deliberate action?
Boost Productivity by Simplifying Spaces
Many years ago I saw the effect of simplifying spaces in my home. By taking away the immediate choices my daughter had for activities, she was able to settle quicker and play longer.I've used this principle in other areas of my life, always with the same result: a boost in productivity and creativity. Today we look at this and how I stumbled on it.
What’s the Hidden Cost?
Last month I did a spending freeze. I spent no unnecessary money, and it really opened my eyes. I had gotten in the habit of running to the store with the pretext of buying something necessary, only to come home with much more. When I did the spending freeze, I realized how much extra this was costing me in both time and energy. Everything has a cost. There are no exceptions. But are you aware of the hidden costs of time and energy of areas in your life? Today we will look at some places you may want to recognize and trim hidden costs.
Building a Morning Routine That Matters
One of the things that I struggle with as I put together routines to support my life is meaning. It's one thing to take another person's routine and adopt it, but for me, this quickly turns sour if it doesn't matter to my life. I'm looking at this more closely as I rebuild routines. A few months ago I did a 30 day challenge to get up earlier and do my morning routine. And while I am still struggling with that, part of the reason is that my morning routine has items that don't matter to me. I am not enthused about doing them because I don't see the point, and it has a tendency to derail my entire intention.
Why I Am Grateful To My Worst Boss
It has now been four years since my very short excursion into the world of education. The wounds have skinned over enough for me to talk about it, and so I wanted to take today to talk about why I am grateful for the worst boss I ever had. I'm going to call it a mid-life crisis. In 2014, I decided that I needed to give back, and so I enrolled in a teacher training course, secured my provisional teaching license in math and started interviewing. I ended up at a job with my local high school, the school where my daughter currently attends. I lasted one year. Education is not for the faint of heart. The first week I dealt with bullying, cheating and teenage pregnancy. Throughout the rest of the year I dealt with hostile parents, violent students, lack of handicapped accessible rooms, and a…
What To Do When Things Start Feeling Off Kilter?
Over the summer, making deliberate choices about my life and activities have fallen by the side of the road. Not deliberately (no pun intended). It just has happened due to a lack of intention. Things have slipped over time, and I am conscious of not being very satisfied with how my life is right now. I've been very conscious of self-care and what it means in relation to the rest of my life over the past few months. I'm still recovering from the effects of severe stress. I find that it means I need to pay more attention to how I am feeling physically and take corrective action. At the same time I feel myself pressured by the stuff, both physical and incomplete, in my life. Maybe it's been coming on slowly the past ten years or so, but I find myself in a place where I…
Stress Management From Teenagers
Adults aren't the only ones who have to think about stress management. Recently, my Girl Scouts shared their favorite techniques with each other during their AP Exam week.