• line in the sand

    The Line in the Sand: Why Work-Life Balance Is An Issue

    I was wondering one afternoon why work-life balance has become such an issue in our modern lives. The answer is actually very simple: changes in the way work is done now blurs the lines between work and non-work time.It's blurring even more as we put the pandemic in the past; but all of our work lives have changed, whether it is working from home or changing jobs due to the pandemic.

  • balanced life myth graphic
    Balance,  Deliberate Living

    The Balanced Life Myth

    Too many people talk about living a balanced life, as if life can be slotted into the chunks of a pie graph. The truth is, we don't balance, not as people typically think. In fact, it's not about doing more, but rather being deliberate about what you do, and letting the rest go.

  • Balance

    10 Commandments of Stress Reduction

    There is too much stress in our lives. We're so busy and overwhelmed that our stress levels creep up. And it's not good for us. Prolonged exposure to stress can lead to mood disorders, cardiovascular disease, digestive problems, eating disorders and more. It's a killer. But it's easy to recognize stress, but not so easy to rein it in. So today we'll take (what I hope) is a light-hearted look at how to reduce stress with the 10 commandments of stress reduction.

  • Balance

    What’s the Hidden Cost?

    Last month I did a spending freeze. I spent no unnecessary money, and it really opened my eyes. I had gotten in the habit of running to the store with the pretext of buying something necessary, only to come home with much more. When I did the spending freeze, I realized how much extra this was costing me in both time and energy. Everything has a cost. There are no exceptions. But are you aware of the hidden costs of time and energy of areas in your life? Today we will look at some places you may want to recognize and trim hidden costs.

  • Balance

    What To Do When Things Start Feeling Off Kilter?

    Over the summer, making deliberate choices about my life and activities have fallen by the side of the road. Not deliberately (no pun intended). It just has happened due to a lack of intention. Things have slipped over time, and I am conscious of not being very satisfied with how my life is right now. I've been very conscious of self-care and what it means in relation to the rest of my life over the past few months. I'm still recovering from the effects of severe stress. I find that it means I need to pay more attention to how I am feeling physically and take corrective action. At the same time I feel myself pressured by the stuff, both physical and incomplete, in my life. Maybe it's been coming on slowly the past ten years or so, but I find myself in a place where I…