New Product! Book Journal
I love to read. Unfortunately, I’m not really good at remembering what I have already read. This has led to more than one occasion where I checked out the same book twice – or even worse – bought it more than once.
In order to keep a handle on things, I use a book journal. It’s been a simple spreadsheet up until now, but I find that a spreadsheet is only good at simple details. I wanted to be able to save a summary of the book – and why I did (or didn’t) like it.
I looked around for something suitable, but everything was far too complicated with dozens of pages and categories. So I made my own.
My book journal is now available in my shop. It’s a printable PDF (A5 size), but it was designed to be used with GoodNotes or Noteability, with links going between the index summary and the book detail pages.