How To Organize School Papers
School papers - those treasured examples and markers of a child’s passage through school - are wonderful reminders of a child’s growth. But if you are drowning in school papers, you are risking losing other things in the slew of pulp. Today we will look at how to organize school papers and minimize the chance of lost items in the mess.
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How To Organize A Kindle Library
As I have shared before, I believe that ebooks are a great productivity boost. They allow me to read more wherever I am. Unfortunately, managing the electronic library can quickly get overwhelming. Unlike with paper books, you can't sort them into piles, and it can be difficult to find what you are looking for. This week I share the strategies I use to manage my books as well as my reading workflow.
Your Phone Clutter Is Hurting Your Productivity
I know I am not the only one who struggles with this, because when I see people looking for information on their phone it seems like they are tapping all over the place as well. My phone is cluttered. I'll bet your phone is cluttered too. And it's hurting your productivity.
Shareable: Making Progress
Room To Breathe
One of the paradoxes of productivity is that the busier one is, the more one needs to do the right things. However, since one is busy, one doesn't have the time to figure out what the right things are. Today it's all about finding that space.
5 Lies About Productivity
The productivity sphere is peppered with lies. But if you know that they are there, you can spot the lies and counteract them.
The Problem With Productivity Blogs
One of the great things about the internet is anyone can put information out there. One of the bad things about the internet is anyone can put information out there. While the internet has allowed many voices to be heard, it has also propagated a lot of poor advice given by people with no experience. Today we look at the two sides to the issue, and how to tell the difference.