Filing Heresy
I'm probably going to be called a heretic for this article, but I don't care. After all, heretic means "one who dissents from accepted belief", and this is definitely against the accepted belief of a few of the major productivity systems out here. Here it is: Not everyone can maintain a filing system.
Binder Clip Filing
Sometimes traditional filing systems are not the most efficient way to handle papers...especially if you are cycling through papers rapidly. Today we will talk about an alternative: binder clip filing.
Protected: A Look Over My Shoulder: My Weekly Planning Completed
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
How I Use The Bullet Journal
Last week I talked about how I had started my bullet journal, and I provided the basic information on how to start one. This week I will talk about the particulars of how I am using it.
Bullet Journal Overview
I started something new at the beginning of May, and I have to say that it has been a great success in both productivity and journaling. It's called the bullet journal. Today I will give you an overview of what it is.
A quick question…
What is the thing that keeps you from getting things done? I would love to know. Please fill out the one-question survey here:
What’s in your productivity toolbox?
What's in your productivity toolbox? Just like there are basic tools we use around the home, there are basic tools that belong in your productivity toolbox.
5 Cloud Productivity Tools You Should Be Using
Here are five cloud productivity tools you should be using to get the most out of your time. Choose the tools for your work. Not the other way around.