Protected: Patron Article: Getting Off Track
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Why You Need To Ignore Celebrity Productivity Secrets
I know it’s click bait. But they seem to be cropping up all over the place: articles about celebrity productivity secrets. Or celebrity creative secrets. Or celebrity success secrets. It is popping up so often in my feed reader that I thought I should take a moment and point out something you may not have thought about celebrity productivity secrets.
Inputs: Getting Started With Productivity
If someone asked you what the basics of productivity are, how would you answer? I was faced with just such a dilemma this past week. One of my readers emailed me and said, “where do I start? What are the basics?” I’ll admit. I stumbled around for a while. I started many sentences and deleted them. And then I realized I couldn’t answer in a quick one- or two-sentence email. So this month I will devote my Monday articles to the Basics of Productivity, starting with today, when we will tackle inputs.
From Laura’s Desk – 31 August 2016
Today I am looking at a great little video called "The Science of Productivity".
Optimize Remember The Milk With Smart Lists
Task lists are great, but what if you only want to see part of your task list at a time? Say, the tasks near where you are? Or the tasks that are due within the next week? Some systems would have you keep separate lists. But a feature within Remember The Milk called Smart Lists, provides it with no extra work. Today we will look at how to optimize Remember The Milk with Smart Lists.
Protected: The Importance of Pausing
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GMail Automation: Creating Tasks Automatically
Many people use their email as a task manager as well as an email program. I am convinced this is so because they don't have an easy way to get the tasks from email into a task management system. Today we will look at how I automate GMail into my task manager, Remember The Milk.
From Laura’s Desk – 17 August 2016
I’ve been thinking a lot about organization lately. It started with Marie Kondo’s The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up. It’s an amazing and thorough system, and it has brought about some pretty big changes in my life. But once any organization system is in place, it has to be maintained. And so I have made some resolutions to help.