• Focus

    Fix Short Attention Spans

    How long can you pay attention? I mean really pay attention? Do you skim? Or do you read? Have you gotten distracted while reading this? I have noticed that my ability to pay attention has shrunk over the past few years. I seem to be constantly distracted. I check my phone an embarrassingly large number of times per day. I have to constantly pull my attention back to what I was doing. Even writing this paragraph I have had to pull my attention back three times. Is this something we need to accept? Or can something be done?

  • The False Productivity of Email

    The False Productivity of Email

    How many ways can you check your email? I would be willing to bet that you do check them, and frequently, as well. Email is my default activity. I seem to be always in it...and it feels productive, but it really is a false productivity.

  • Consolidate Email Addresses

    Consolidate Email Addresses: How and Why

    How many places do you have to check email? Do you remember to check them all? Or have you found yourself checking a little-used email and found hundreds of messages? I have a lot of email addresses. I've been using email for many, many years, and have switched services from my internet provider to Hotmail to Yahoo to GMail. And then I have email addresses for the blogs (5 total blogs), my company and work. If I had to check all of these individually I would be sunk!