Fix Short Attention Spans
How long can you pay attention? I mean really pay attention? Do you skim? Or do you read? Have you gotten distracted while reading this? I have noticed that my ability to pay attention has shrunk over the past few years. I seem to be constantly distracted. I check my phone an embarrassingly large number of times per day. I have to constantly pull my attention back to what I was doing. Even writing this paragraph I have had to pull my attention back three times. Is this something we need to accept? Or can something be done?
Supercharge Your Productivity With Intention
You have some time to get some work done, and then end up doing something else. Or you set out to do something, and it turns out not to be the best use of that block of time. Can this be prevented? Yes. By setting your intention.
From Laura’s Desk – 26 April 2017
"People who cannot find time for recreation are obliged sooner or later to find time for illness." -- John Wanamaker
TED Talks for Burnout
I'll be honest; I'm getting a little fried talking about burnout. So today I'll give you the TED talks that can help with burnout or just plain ol' stress.
From Laura’s Desk – 29 March 2017
Do not work from your inbox. Not physical, not email. A story of caution.
The False Productivity of Email
How many ways can you check your email? I would be willing to bet that you do check them, and frequently, as well. Email is my default activity. I seem to be always in it...and it feels productive, but it really is a false productivity.
Email Musings: From Laura’s Desk – 22 March 2017
Some thoughts on the compulsion to check email.
Consolidate Email Addresses: How and Why
How many places do you have to check email? Do you remember to check them all? Or have you found yourself checking a little-used email and found hundreds of messages? I have a lot of email addresses. I've been using email for many, many years, and have switched services from my internet provider to Hotmail to Yahoo to GMail. And then I have email addresses for the blogs (5 total blogs), my company and work. If I had to check all of these individually I would be sunk!