• Productivity

    The Reason We Don’t Reach Our Goals

    One of the first ways to go about reaching a goal is to crystallize it in our minds so that we are clear about what we are trying to have/do/be. Then the next is to break it down into manageable steps. Today we will look at the reason we don't reach our goals, even after we have written them down and written the steps we need to reach them.

  • Productivity

    Clean Out Your Inbox…Easily

    It's the New Year. How many emails are in your inbox, right now? If that number is perpetually greater than zero, you need to clean out your inbox. My newest course, Calm The Email Dragon, will teach you exactly how to do that, fast and to the point.

  • Productivity

    Debunking The Myth of the 2 Minute Rule

    One of the standard pieces of productivity advice is "if it will take you less than two minutes to do the task, do it now." Unfortunately, this can actually be counter-productive. Today we will look at the additional conditions you need to assess before applying the 2 minute rule.

  • Productivity

    Email Labels Vs. Folders

    One of the key strategies to finding things in an email program is to sort them in such a way that you can find them again quickly. One of the impediments to this is email programs that store their information in folders, as opposed to labeling the email. Today we will look at the fundamental differences in between folders and labels when it comes to email.

  • Productivity

    Adapting Productivity with Limitations

    A reader asked me for help on being productive when you're limited. This limitation could be physical, energetic, time-based, mental fatigue or something else, and it may be variable on any given day. Today we will look at adapting productivity techniques so you can get as much done as possible, whatever your limitation might be.