• Productivity

    Boost Your Productivity With Word Shortcuts

    One of the best ways that you can boost your productivity at the computer is to learn the keyboard shortcuts for some of the most commonly used actions. Instead of grasping the mouse and clicking the Copy button, for example, you could press a couple of keys and get the same results. Today we are going to look at some of those keyboard shortcuts in Word.

  • Productivity

    Boost Your Word Productivity With Styles

    This month on Mondays we are going to be looking at how a suite of tools - namely Microsoft Office - can make you more productive. Our second post in the series is one of those power user tricks that is actually really easy to use - and can save a ton of time.One of the things I really hate to see people doing is formatting a Word document. They select text, then change the font, size, weight and color. Then they repeat it for other like text in the documents. Why do I hate to see it? Because it could be done quickly and easily with styles...and this also makes future formatting changes even easier.

  • Productivity,  Simplify

    7 Secrets of Managing Extreme Busyness

    I have been extremely busy over the last few months, and it is about to get worse. (Everything will ease up in June) Several friends and acquaintances are amazed at what I have going on, and asked me how I manage it. So here are my 7 secrets of managing extreme busyness.

  • Simplify

    Simplifying the Housecleaning Habit

    I've been struggling with something recently. As much as I love having a neat and clean house, I cannot get myself motivated to actually do it. When I ran into this problem years ago, Flylady helped me by showing me how to apply method to cleaning. Her overly rigid schedule didn't work for me, though, and it fell by the wayside. I was OK for a few years working my own system... ...but I got out of the habit.

  • Productivity

    Moving Action Away From Collection

    There are systems out there that insist if you touch an item, you have to do it (one-touch methods). There are systems out there that insist if something is going to take less than X minutes, you need to do it right then (2-minute rule). The idea behind these ideas is to move the action as close to the collection point as possible to minimize what will get lost in the system. Unfortunately, they can actually cause blocks in the process instead of moving things through more smoothly. Today we will look at why you want to move your action on items closer in time to when you collect them, and how to do this.

  • Productivity

    What To Do If You’re Not Naturally Productive

    One thing people assume about me is that productivity comes naturally. After all, I spend a lot of time reading and writing about it, not to mention adjusting my own methods.Nothing could be further from the truth. I am not naturally productive.But in spite of that, I am still highly productive. Here's why:

  • Simplify

    Why You Should Spring Clean Your Calendar

    We all have visions of spring cleaning as it involves our living quarters. Get down to the bare walls, clean everything, and have a fresh start. Most people don't realize, though, that you should do the same thing to your calendar. Today we will look at why and how you should spring clean your calendar. Today we will look at why and how you should spring clean your calendar.