• Productivity

    How To Do A Productivity Reboot

    Mondays are productivity days at SimpleProductivity blog. It’s amazing, isn’t it, that someone who spends so much time talking about productivity, and reading about productivity, should fall flat on her face in productivity, right? At least it is to me. (We’ll talk about expectations in a future article) It was about a month ago, and I hit a wall. I didn’t want to do anything. My task list was overwhelming, teeming with all the minutiae of stuff I just didn’t want to do. None of my projects excited me, and I avoided doing anything. If this had happened to my computer, where nothing worked, the first thing I would have tried would be to reboot the thing. Power all the way down, let it sit for a bit, then start it up again. I needed to do the same thing with my life: a productivity reboot. Recognizing…

  • Simplify

    My Take On Zone Cleaning: Or The 13 Zones

    Wednesdays are simplicity days at SimpleProductivity blog. One of Flylady’s big ideas is breaking the house down into five zones and clean in the zone-of-the-week, one week in the month for each zone. Being the geek that I am, I had two problems with this system: no month contains five full weeks, meaning that two zones would be consistently short-changed; and I have way more than five rooms to care for. Add to that I always felt like I was cleaning things that didn’t need to be cleaned… I guess if you cleaned every day you could get past the first objection, but there were days when I just couldn’t fit it in. And covering all that territory in five zones overwhelmed me. So I decided to modify the zones. Why 13 Zones? Looking at the calendar, I could find two logical divisions: by months or by…

  • Uncategorized

    Getting the Most from Simple Productivity Blog

    Fridays are tip days at SimpleProductivity blog. There have been a lot of new visitors to the site recently, and I thought it would be good to point out some things to help all my readers, new and not-so-new, get more out of the site. Categories I purposefully try to limit my categories on the blog, so you can find what you’re looking for. Besides the main categories of productivity and simplicity, you can find a list of the post categories on the right-hand side of each page. Sometimes you will see that a category has sub-categories; clicking on the header brings back all the articles of all of the sub-categories. Getting Started There is a category that falls at the top of the list called Getting Started. This category lists all the articles aimed at the beginning not knowing much about simplicity or productivity, or just…

  • Organization,  Simplify

    How To Simplify Flylady

    Wednesdays are simplicity days at SimpleProductivity blog. Flylady is one of the biggest systems for managing your home cleaning out there. It works for many people. But if you’re one of the unlucky few that it doesn’t work for, Flybabies (adherents to Flylady’s system) will tell you that you didn’t try hard enough. One of the biggest search terms that brings people to this blog is “when Flylady doesn’t work.” So I know that it isn’t just me that it doesn’t work for. I did try. I worked that system for well over five years before I finally threw in the towel. March to the Drum Flylady’s system is very regimented. Dozens of reminder emails are sent out with a militant bent. You MUST shine your sink every night. You MUST do 15 minutes of cleaning every day. You MUST clean by zones. Everything has its time,…