Taking time to enjoy the now
Life can turn into a flurry of scheduled events and task lists. It is easy to slip into a cycle of do-do-do and go-go-go. But no one dies with an empty inbox.
Simplifying Children’s Birthday Parties
Two words strike terror into the hearts of many parents: birthday parties. The thought of having hordes of children running amok under your supervision and in your home can be downright scary. Add in all the things that parties have started to "require": entertainment, bouncy houses, treat bags, activities and more, and most of the parents I know will run for the nearest all-inclusive package at the local laser tag building. But it doesn't have to be that way. Birthday parties can be simple and easy, and still be enjoyable. Here's how...
What To Do When Plans Go Awry
"The best laid plans of mice and men Go often awry". Isn't that the truth? So often you make plans on what you will accomplish (your task list), perhaps even setting aside blocks of time (your calendar), just to see it get blown to bits by an unexpected occurence. It happens, and that is life. But that doesn't mean you can't recover from it quickly and get back on track.
Learn Software Faster with A Wallpaper
One of the best ways to increase your productivity skills in software is to learn the shortcuts. While menus make it easy to find the features you are looking for, shortcuts take you there immediately - without having to lift your hands from the keyboard. But learning the shortcuts for new software can be hard, and can interrupt workflow if you have to move your eyes from the screen to a place where you have them written down. Enter the DIY cheat sheet wallpaper.
Make Mornings Easier with a Nighttime Reboot
Rebooting the computer gets rid of junk from memory and lets you start fresh. Did you know that rebooting your entire work area will extend the benefits and start your morning easier?
The Bad News About Productivity Systems
There is so much information out there on productivity. Too much, really. We read articles, skim blogs, buy books and planners and software in the hopes of being more productive. We thrust authors to the top of the best seller lists because they have a way to make us be at the top of our game. "Do X and Y and Z and you will get there," they promise. Only life doesn't work that way. People don't respond to formulas.
How To Be a Happier Parent
I've been conscious of a lot of stress in my house lately. True, I myself am under increased stress; but this was something more. I realized I really wasn't enjoying being a parent. It's not that my daughter's behavior has changed, but rather my attitudes had changed, and not for the better. I was reminded (again!) that it didn't have to be that way as I read "The Happiest Mom (Parenting Magazine): 10 Secrets to Enjoying Motherhood". I didn't have to have these arguments.
Be More Productive By Stopping
The Art of Thriving ran an article recently called "How stopping what you’re doing helps you get it done." In it, the author listed out things she was going to stop doing in order to make room for things she wanted to do. Since so much of productivity is saying yes to the right things, it helps to periodically examine what we say no to.