Personal Development Lessons From Slumdog Millionaire
I'll admit it openly: I rarely see a movie in the year it came out. I just don't make the time. Recently I watched Slumdog Millionaire for the first time, and I really enjoyed it. It stayed with me for days, and I've been turning over some of the lessons in the movie.
Simplifying Back To School Shopping
It's that time of year. The days are growing shorter, the weather is cooling (some places), and the anticipation (or dread) for the first day of school is in the air. My daughter loves school, and loves preparing for school. I learned some significant lessons this year for simplifying back to school that I thought I would share with you.
A Really Easy Way To Get Going On Any Task
"I've completed five Pomodoros so far today." The status from a friend on Facebook stopped me cold. Not because I didn't know what Pomodoros are, but because I never figured my programmer friend would ever use them. Timers are one of my best friends when it comes to keeping on track. In fact, as I write this article, I am using the Instant Boss timer to keep me on track.
Are You A Productivity Super Hero?
"Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound"...Superman is untiring and unceasing in his efforts to get things done. He changes roles quickly (in a phone booth), and zips out at top speed to get to the places he needs to be. No matter how many people seem to need his atttention he is available. But there is another type of superhero lurking around the corner.
Stuck? Productivity Full Stops And How To Get Going
It always amazes me when I manage to trip myself up in the productivity realm. Usually it's because I let things get away from me by ignoring them, or because I've taken on too much. That's not a good thing to do for more than a day, if your goal is to get things done. Here is how to get going again when you are stopped.
Catch Up By Starting Over
Have you ever gotten so far behind in something that it would be easier to start over than to catch up? Sometimes you just have to cut your losses and start over. Here's how to do it.
5, 10 and 15 Minute Decluttering
Most people I know won't embark on a big decluttering because they think it will take too long. I decided to put together a list of quick decluttering projects to get you started getting rid of the junk in little chunks of time.
Beginning Steps: Evolution of Productivity Systems
Someone recently approached me and confessed he was confused by all the productivity systems and terms out there. "I want to be more organized and productive, but I don't know where to start! There are so many systems, I can't even tell one from another!" So this is the first in an intermittent series of posts on getting started being productive. Today I'll talk about the various systems and abbreviations out there.