• Planning

    Life Reboot: Your Ideal Evening

    As I look at re-balancing and rebooting my life, one of the first questions I asked myself was "what do I want my evenings to look like?" By figuring out where I want to go, I can plan a route to get there.

  • Productivity

    Are You Feeling A Need To Reboot Your Life?

    2012 is almost here. While I normally take this time of year to reflect on the past year, and dream up the future, this year it seems especially necessary. For the past two months I have been barely hanging on as my commitments and projects have swallowed me up, leaving bits of unfinished tasks behind. I need to reboot. I find that in talking to people, they are also in the same boat. The rush of frantic activity seeps into our lives and we are drowning. It's time to head for land and regroup.

  • Productivity

    How To Unclutter Your Task List

    Sometimes our task lists can be like the freezer you throw something into and slam the door before everything comes tumbling out. (And nails you on the toe). We pile more and more onto the list, never quite sure what is already in there, but knowing we won't get to everything. It becomes a scary place, and we stop going there.It's easy to get a task list under control again, with a little uncluttering with the 5 T's.

  • Simplify

    The Three-Step Process for Simple Email Processing

    One of the biggest hassles I hear about these days is the struggle to keep up with email. It's like people figure it costs nothing to send, so they send out reams of email. Which leave those of us on the receiving end with stuffed inboxes and a sense that we will never get through it all. But it is possible and fairly easy to use your email program and a few strategies to make email manageable and useful again.

  • Productivity

    Reader Question: What Do I Use?

    Mondays are productivity days at SimpleProductivity blog. A couple of weeks ago I announced I had gone back to a paper planner. The online comments were direct; one said that many people were doing GTD just fine digitally. Another indicated that he would never want to carry around a planner. The comments off line were just as interesting. Some people were suspicious. Only one said she could see how this would make a difference. Around this time, another reader was looking at my old GTD in Bonsai system and asked some questions. When I responded I indicated I wasn’t using that system anymore, and he asked me what I used now. So to settle the dust, I thought I would explain what I am doing right now in September 2011. My Philosophy First of all, let me state outright that I do NOT use a Getting Things…