• Productivity

    Why Task Lists Will Not Make You Productive

    An acquaintance of mine is constantly making lists. She makes them on old envelopes, scratch pads, her phone, her laptop, her email and even her hand. Yet she is one of the most scattered, disorganized and unproductive people I know. She doesn't know the secret: lists alone won't make you productive.

  • Simplify

    The Value Of Accuracy

    It was an early morning class. We walked in to find the dreaded dragon of the beginning circuits class - the class known as a weeder class to cull out the below-average students. But instead of an ogre, the man at the front of the class resembled nothing so much as Papa Smurf. Except taller. And he looked at us and said "75% of you will flunk this class."

  • Simplify

    How To Simplify Cleaning A Child’s Room

    I've tried to stay out of my daughter's room, and let her keep it the way she wants. After all, she's 9 and old enough to manage it herself. But last week the pile in the middle of the floor reached my knees. (I wish I were kidding.) So I declared that we were going to clean it up. I didn't want to give up too much time doing this, but I knew that it had to be simple or she wouldn't help. So I came up with the following way to simplify cleaning the room.

  • Simplify

    How To Minimize Cleaning

    Recently a young friend, just out on her own, asked about how my house was always ready for visitors. She wanted to know my secrets to keep things clean with a minimal amount of effort. They're not secrets, they're merely strategies, and here they are:

  • Productivity

    A Day In The Life

    Someone recently expressed an interest in how I apply all these techniques in my personal life. She wanted to know how my typical day runs. So here is a day in my life, warts and all.

  • Productivity

    My Personal Productivity Rules

    It wasn't that long ago that I read an article over at WiseBread called My Personal Productivity Rules. It got me thinking about what my productivity rules are. The exercise of writing them down helped me clarify some of them in my mind, and I thought I would share them with you.