Easy Ways To Clean The Shower
Cleaning our shower is hard work. Since Scrubbing Bubbles took the one product that made it easy off the market, I haven't found anything other than hard work with a Mr. Clean eraser. But I knew there had to be a better way.
Getting Out From The Magazine Slushpile
Slush piles are the piles of manuscripts that appear on editor's desks. I realized the other week that with the addition of my daughter's subscriptions, our common room is beginning to have a very large slush pile in the corner. Since this is my daughter's first venture into regular magazines, I am teaching her how to get out from under the pile of magazines. These tips also apply to catalogs and newspapers, so read on if you are buried in paper!
Using Timers To Keep Kids Focused
I've talked about using timers before. Mostly it is to get me going, or keep me going on a task. But there are other ways that I use timers that allow me to focus on something else, yet still accomplish the task at hand.. You can use this type of timing to help keep your child on track as well.
Prevent Predictable Annoyances
One of the funniest phrases I have heard in the past few months is "Pigeons of Discontent." This was meant as the opposite of "Bluebirds of Happiness", and I find that it is very apt. Essentially it is the category of items that are annoyances. And like pigeons, these are the common, garden-variety, everyday annoyances that can peck away at our happiness and contentment.
Why Being A Morning Person Is Not Essential
I see articles all the time on how being a morning person is wonderful and how you can easily transform into one. The articles generally promise sunshine and rainbows, peace and super-productivity. Bah.
Simplifying My Books
It's not springtime, so I can't blame the urge to spring clean. All I know is that I walked around my house last week and got the overwhelming urge to purge. I always start is my books because I can go through them rapidly. Here is how I make this less painful and get them out of my house.
What You Don’t Know About How To Use A Calendar
You probably have a calendar. Whether it is on your phone, email program, desktop, or tacked to a door, there is generally a calendar around. But the question is: are you using it well?
A Little Less Talk, a LOT More Action
Our guest author today talks about the cycle of procrastination she was caught in, and how she freed herself.