Getting A Handle On Time
It's only taken me 5 months to realize it, but I am struggling with the new work situation in my home. 5 months ago I started a new job, which requires a 30-45 minute drive each way. The same day, my husband started a new job 3 hours from our home, which means he stays in an apartment and we see him late Friday evening to Sunday evening. I thought I was doing fine. But during a particularly busy week, I realized I wasn't getting things done.
If Money Can fix It, It’s Not Really A Problem
Everyone complicates their lives, myself included. And when we do that, we lose sight of what really is important. I'm going to share a true story right now. I have changed the names, though.
8 Productivity Stations Every Home Should Have
When you keep like-purposed things together, close by where they are used, you can save time and effort and make yourself more productive. Here are 8 of these productivity stations that every home should have.
Skyrocket Productivity With A Simple Program: Breevy
Wednesdays are simplicity days at SimpleProductivity blog. One of the best things you can do for personal productivity is to automate repetitive tasks. If you can do something in one keystroke that before would take you 10, you have just given yourself a 90% boost in efficiency. Text replacing programs, like Breevy, are the way to make that happen. I am often asked to review software as a part of this blog. Most software is somewhat useful, but few programs actually make me change the way I do things. One of the exceptions to this was a little program called Breevy. I reviewed it back in 2010, at Software Review: Breevy Auto Text Replacer and More!. At the time I was asked to review it, I was using ShortKeys, which was bulky and quirky. But Breevy blew me away. It is now three years later, and Breevy…
Night Owl Strategies for Successful Mornings
There are many articles out there about how to successfully start your day. Most of them assume that you are chipper and wide awake as soon as your feet hit the floor. In other words, they assume you are a morning person. I am not a morning person. And I don't believe that you can necessarily become one. However, that doesn't mean that non-morning people can't have successful starts to their days. Here are ways that we can adapt the morning-person strategies and give us the same advantages for our days.
Simplify Time Calculations With Calcloc
As a consultant, how I bill my time is important. And in order to bill properly, I have know calculate properly. Calculating time can be a pain in the neck. 60 minutes, plus all the increments therein...nothing goes nicely to base 10. In the past I have just resorted to working in quarter hour increments. But even that can get tricky, adding increments up on the calculator. That's where Calcloc steps in to fill the breach. Calcloc is a calculator that can handle native time calculations.
Streamline Phone Numbers To Boost Productivity
These days, everyone seems to have multiple numbers. This can get out of hand, though, especially if you find yourself juggling multiple devices or missing calls. Here are some suggestions for streamlining the phones:
Simplifying The Task List
Even though I write this blog and make it a point to find the best ways to be productive, occasionally I get buried. Right now I am buried under a mountain of projects and tasks. I simply look at my task list and want to run away and join the circus. There is a method to getting back out from under the mountain. All it takes is a bit of time and a very large shovel. So here is the shovel for you to use as well, should you need it.