• Productivity

    Schedule Your Priorities; Don’t Prioritize Your Schedule

    Far too often I get through a bunch of tasks, just to find that I haven't made progress on the things that are part of my bigger goals and dreams. I sometimes feel like I am sacrificing my dreams for a clean kitchen. That's oversimplifying it, but it captures the gist of my frustration. In this article I look at how to shift things around by scheduling priorities.

  • Productivity

    How Over-organizing Can Cripple Your Productivity

    Is it possible to be over-organized? Sure. By categorizing everything to the last degree and storing everything every possible place you could need it, you will soon find that maintaining your organization systems will have a negative impact on your productivity. To this end, I am going to share a couple of concepts that I use at work as a computer and database programmer, and show you their direct application to the world of personal productivity.

  • Simplify

    Media Diet: Slimming Other Media

    In the past few weeks, we have talked about putting media consumption on a diet to limit information overload. This week, the last week of the series, I am mopping up with the other types of media in our lives. Slimming other media is the last step in getting your information overload under control.

  • Media Diet,  Simplify

    Media Diet: Print Media

    One of the things that has happened in the past few years is that magazines have crept back into my life. At one point I had cancelled all subscriptions except one. Yet when I looked around last weekend, I found seven different magazines in my to-read pile. I can't keep up with this many magazines, which is why I have a to-read pile. Clearly this has gotten out of hand. I need to add print media to my media diet.

  • Media Diet,  Simplify

    The Media Diet: Corralling Newsletters

    They're all over the place on the web: give us your email address, and we'll send you a great free something and a newsletter. I know this, and I do it myself. It also happens in paper: give a charitable organization some money, and suddenly you are getting a paper newsletter or magazine. But what happens when you realize that you are inundated?

  • Media Diet,  Simplify

    The Media Diet: Paring Online Information

    As I recently wrote, I have been working to pare down how much information I have coming into my life. I was taking in so much and it was becoming less and less valuable as I struggled to keep up with everything coming at me. So I have gone on a media diet. I have been paring online information intake. Today's article will show you how I got my online sources purged and to a reasonable level.

  • Media Diet,  Simplify

    Practical Simplicity: The Media Diet

    I have so much information thrown at me every day, yet I feel like I learn little. I had gone on a media fast a few years ago, but honestly, things have crept back up there. I started to check the news frequently, parse dozens of blogs and websites, read all sorts of magazines, just because I was afraid I would miss something. I was deep in information overload.