Reducing Inputs: Phones
In this day, most of us have two or three phones. Each of these phones have voice mail, and usually one of those phones is carried at all times. The amount of information coming from these phones can be overwhelming. Let's look at reducing the phone inputs.
Reducing Inputs: Paper
We've been looking at ways to reduce the amount of stuff coming at us in order to make it more manageable. Last week we looked at email accounts and email. This week we will examine how to reduce the amount of paper in our lives.
Reducing Your Inputs: Email
How many email addresses do you have? From how many places do you get email? How much of that email is not relevant? In today's article about reducing inputs, we are going to tackle that modern miracle and bane: email.
5 Time Estimating Tips
One of the fundamental aspects of time management is being able to accurately estimate how long a task or series of tasks will take. A large chunk of my success in my job as a computer consultant comes from being very good at estimating tasks. Today I thought I would share 5 time estimating tips with you.
Reducing Your Inputs: Introduction
One of the things about modern life is we have way more information coming at us than people in any other time. The only way to keep from being sucked under is to reduce the inputs that we have flying at us. David Allen recommends reducing the inboxes. Since Getting Things Done was written, I think there are even more inboxes coming at us.
Do You Abuse Your Email?
Here's a trick question: what is email for? Email is for sending and receiving email. I am stating the obvious, but I want you to ask yourself: do you abuse your email by doing other things? Today we will look at the types of email abuse, and how to remedy them.
The Perfect Task List
There are task lists... and there are Task Lists. Most task lists function; but Task Lists actually help you get your work done quicker. So how do you get to the perfect task list?
What’s On Your Calendar?
Calendars are such a common productivity tool that everyone thinks they know how to use them; yet just about every time I ask to see someone's calendar, I find stuff on it that shouldn't be there. So I ask you, what's on your calendar? Today we will look at what should go on a calendar, and where all that other stuff should live.