• Podcast

    Podcast Episode 6: How I Use A Calendar

    Calendars form the basis of any productivity system. These are the single item that tell you where you need to be and when. But calendars have evolved massively from 30 years ago, when everything was on paper. Today I'll look at my own calendar evolution and share how I use a calendar today.

  • Productivity,  Tools

    How I Use My iPad (2019 Edition)

    Tablets are a great way to have productivity on the go. With the latest hardware and apps, some people are using them to replace their computers. Today I'll give you an update on how I use my iPad. When I first bought an iPad, I thought it would be an asset, but I never thought it would become a mainstay of my productivity. I use my iPad every day, and on a recent vacation didn't even open the laptop, using the iPad exclusively instead. Here is how - and when - I use my iPad.

  • Uncategorized

    30 Day Challenge: Touch It Once

    What's a great way to avoid procrastination and clutter? Touching things once. My 30 day habit for August of 2019 will be exactly this: training myself to complete little things so I don't have piles of unfinished tasks everywhere. Read more about this challenge and join me.

  • Stress

    Make Stress Your Friend: A TED Talk Worth Viewing

    Doing research into stress is enough to induce stress. Looking at all the damage that chronic or acute stress can cause to our bodies is enough to make people want to crawl into their beds and not come out. But it is possible to make stress our friend, and Kelly McGonigal, a psychologist, presented the talk on how from the TED stage.

  • Stress

    5 Advanced Stress Management Techniques

    Stress is everywhere in modern life. Some of it is chronic, everyday stress. And some of it can be extreme, brought on by situation and choices. Today I'll look at some advanced stress management techniques that don't get (in my opinion) enough coverage, but can be extremely useful.