Podcast Episode 8: What To Do When A Goal Doesn’t Fit
What happens when a goal doesn't fit who you are? Many of us are doggedly pursuing goals - and struggling - against them because they simply don't fit us. In today's episode I will talk about why a goal might not fit, how to spot them, and what to do about goals that just aren't right.
8 Productivity Lessons from the Teacher’s Desk
Teachers have an immensely difficult job. Faced with a classroom of children, they have to plan the lessons, produce the materials, manage the classroom and deal with the politics of the front office and parents. If a teacher is not productive, they end up working hours beyond their contract hours and adding to their stress burden. It has been four years since I entered the classroom to teach high school math. Even though I only lasted a year in that environment, it was enough to pull lessons for my own productivity that I still use today. In this article we will look at the 8 productivity lessons I reinforced during that time.
30 Day Challenge: Spending Freeze
My 30 Day Challenge for the month of September is a spending freeze involving no spending outside of the necessities. I will confess that I have a shopping habit. It's not for clothes or decoration or even anything big, but I still shop for a lot of stuff. There was a time when Amazon was delivering multiple times a week. As I looked around my house, there was too much stuff. Things that were duplicated, things we weren't using, things that seemed like a good idea at the time, but never were implemented...I felt smothered. Add to that that money is tight right now...and I wanted to see if I could do a spending freeze. Read on to hear more about the rules and what I hope to gain.
30 Day Challenge: Touch It Once Wrapup
I spent a month putting things away immediately - and found that not only were things neater, but my procrastination and stress went down too!
How I Process My Email (2019 Edition)
How many emails are in your inbox? How much time do you spend scanning over emails that are already seen, thinking about what you have to do to each one? Inbox zero, which is not the number of emails in your inbox, minimizes the time you spend in your inbox. Today I share my current (as of 2019) method of processing email. I had a shock the other day. I was at a co-worker's computer to help her with some code, and saw that she had 32,000+ emails in her inbox. Unread. I understand that we get a lot of email every day, mostly status messages from the system. But this floored me. How many are in my inbox? Zero. Now I understood why she could never find anything that wasn't from the current day, and was always saying, "I didn't see that email." It's really not…
Podcast Episode 7 – 10 Things I Wish I Knew When I Started My Productivity Journey
When I started this journey back in college, I was convinced that all I had to do was use the right planner and write everything down, and I'd never forget to do anything or be late for anything again. In the years since then, I have learned a lot of lessons about productivity. Here are 10 things I wish I knew when I started.
How I Do Web/Blog Reading (2019 Edition)
Today we take a look at a targeted way to read content from the web. I'll look at RSS readers, and share an even better way to read the content when it's convenient for you. Most bloggers will offer free content in exchange for your email address. This is to give them an audience to pitch products and other offers to. There's nothing new in this - every blogger is told to do this, and I do it myself. On the flip side, I give people an email address when I am interested in their freebies. After I get the freebie, I generally hang out, reading the first few emails. And then I unsubscribe.
How I Listen To Podcasts
Podcasts are a great way to get information for a busy person. It's like blog articles in audio - you can listen on your commute, while washing dishes, weeding, exercising and more. Today we'll look at what podcasts are and how I listen to them.I discovered podcasts with my first MP3 player over 10 years ago. I was frustrated with commercial radio, and public radio often left me depressed. I had tried listening to books on tape, but they were long and I often lost track of the plot because of the time between my listening. Enter podcasts, and my viewpoint changed.