• Time Management

    Getting Back Time: Empowering Independence

    One of the things that can suck up a lot of our time is doing things for others. This is particularly apparent if you have kids that still live at home. If you can empower others' independence, you can get a lot of time back for yourself. Through various family circumstances I was placed in charge of running a household at the age of 14. While I would never wish my particular circumstances on anyone else, the sense of being independent - and more competent than my peers at "adulting" - never left me. I have tried to give my daughter the same competency, although with a guiding hand rather than the sink-or-swim method I experienced. Yes, she started young, but her knowledge gives her independence and responsibility - and gives me time.

  • Podcast

    Podcast Episode 17: Stop Distractions with External Limiters

    I can go down a rabbit hole of distraction faster than a rabbit. To keep myself on track, I took a trick I learned as a parent – using external tools to enforce limits. Today’s show is about the various limiters I use to keep myself away from distraction.   How To Set Up iOS Screen Time Limiter http://gqkzq9xu.lauraearnest.com.dream.website/freebies/screen-time-primer/ Support me at Patreon: You can find all the episodes over at Patreon.

  • Productivity

    Getting The Most Out of Batching

    The two-minute rule says that if you can deal with it in under 2 minutes, do it right then. In some cases, I think this is a good rule. But in others, I think batching is a better way to go. Batching is grouping like tasks together and getting them done. They don't all have to be the same task - you can batch by location or equipment. For instance, you could update your calendar, pay for your pet licenses, and process your email in a batch, because you can do all these things on your computer.

  • Productivity

    20 Essential Productivity Tips For Daily Life

    Productivity is not simply just about how you do your work. Peak productivity takes into account your physical state, distraction level, energy, and organization. Today we will look at 20 essential productivity tips for your daily life. I used to be a person who would make a list and just plow through it, regardless of how I felt, what was going on, or any other consideration. I hated the phrase "work smarter, not harder" because it seemed a wimpy way out. But there is a lot to be gained from working smarter, and that means I have to take into account all of the areas of my life in order to hit peak productivity with minimal effort. Here are the 20 areas that go into my strategy for getting the most done with the least amount of effort.

  • Uncategorized

    30 Day Challenge: A Website A Day

    Sometimes I feel that when I declutter my information intake, I get stuck in a bubble of my own making. But in order to keep growing, I need additional inputs. So the 30 day challenge for this month is to search out a new website each day. This month's challenge is to seek out a new website each day.