Tranquility By Tuesday #2: Plan On Fridays
This is the second rule of planning on Fridays from the book "Tranquility By Tuesday." We go over the benefits of planning a week in advance and suggests using Friday afternoons to plan for the upcoming week and weekend. The resistance to this rule is addressed, and the I share my experience with implementing work and personal planning. The results have been positive, leading to increased productivity and freedom to think about weekly activities.
Tranquility By Tuesday #1: Give Yourself A Bedtime
The article discusses the first rule of the book "Tranquility By Tuesday" which is to give yourself a bedtime. I was very skeptical initially but eventually found that establishing a consistent bedtime and routine improved my sleep quality and overall well-being.
Overview of Tranquility By Tuesday
Tranquility By Tuesday by Laura Vanderkam is a book that focuses on building a meaningful life rather than squeezing more time out of a busy schedule. The author claims that by creating a meaningful life, time will seem to pass slower and give more meaning to daily activities. The book introduces nine main ideas, including establishing a regular bedtime, planning the week on Fridays, incorporating physical movement into the day, and making time for personal interests. In this article series, the author applies one idea each week and shares the results. Readers are encouraged to join the journey and share their own experiences.
Signs You Don’t Need A Time Management Upgrade
It's always a temptation for me to fiddle with my system rather than actually do the work needed to move myself toward my goals and complete my projects. And so I get a lot of articles in various places on when to upgrade my time management. One of the things I have learned, though, is that it's not about time management, but what I should be focusing on.
How To Plan A New Year
It's the New Year. Have you done any planning? I sometimes feel like I have done more drifting than planning. But planning will give a sense of direction. Think of it as a road trip with some destinations in mind. I'm not talking about the high-flung promises you might make to lose weight or get more organized. I'm talking about deciding what direction you want to go in, and setting up some plans to move in that direction. No? You haven't done a plan? You should. It's not too late.
Keeping A PC Awake and Unlocked
There are times when I really, really hate the auto-sleep feature on my computers. Because having a machine lock itself when I am monitoring something is a major pain in the patootie. So I came up with a way to keep the machine awake and unlocked.
The Beagle Guide To Simplicity
My dog had things that she could teach me. She had few needs, few desires. Her life was peaceful and simple. So here is the Beagle's Guide to Simplicity.
Is Productivity Overrated?
Productivity - personal and work - was the hot topic of the past decade. Everywhere one turned there were sites and articles on lifehacks and how to be more productive. But is productivity overrated?