• Productivity,  Software

    Review: (10+2)*5 Timer – Instant Boss

    When I really need to blast through a lot of work, but really don't want to, I use the (10+2) * 5 method invented by Merlin Mann. It's a modified Pomodoro method, but instead of 20 minute work sessions followed by a 5 minute break, it shortens both work and break times. I prefer (10+2)*5 to Pomodoro because the 10 minute start seems do-able, whereas the 20 minute block often seems insurmountable.

  • Organize Project Notes

    How I Organize Project Notes

    One of the most useful things I have learned to do over the course of my professional career is to organize project notes. Not only does this allow me to tell you where the status of any piece of my work is at a given point, but it also allows me to revisit the items when questions arise after the work is completed.These days I use a Bullet Journal. I also have used OneNote, Evernote, and a personal wiki to do the same thing. I believe that this general system can be used no matter how you track it.

  • hamster wheel
    Deliberate Living,  Overwhelm

    How I Got Off The Hamster Wheel Tonight

    Tonight I was completely spun up, running around on a hamster wheel. A busy week that seems to have no end, task lists that keep growing, having to fight a few battles that were necessary but still took a lot out of me, little sleep, and dealing with a bunch of vendor dumpster fires. I thought I was going to implode. So how did I get it to stop in a matter of hours?

  • flylady

    Why Flylady Didn’t Work for Me

    I followed Flylady for many years. And felt guilty for not being able to make it work. It was a struggle for me. Was I not doing it right? Flylady would tell me the problem was me. Here are the ways Flylady doesn't work for me:

  • dormant

    When To Let A Project Go Dormant

    I'm going through a rough patch in my life right now, and I know that I can't keep up with everything. Unlike the past when this has happened, I am asking for help, offloading what I can, and letting some projects go dormant. So how do you know what to let go of, even temporarily?