• OneNote,  Productivity,  Software

    A Tour of My OneNote Work Productivity System

    I had to recently switch from paper to electronic notes for work due to the need to do fast searches. Searching through five notebooks that were haphazardly backlinked was almost impossible. I made the switch to OneNote, and have worked hard to get a simple but workable system. This is a tour of how I use OneNote for work.

  • Organization

    Avoiding Lockouts With A Hidden Key

    I've never been a fan of leaving house keys hidden in the yard. But I've come to realize that having backup keys around are a good idea. Our next door neighbor has a key to the house, as does our former nanny. I thought this was good enough to prevent me being locked out. Turns out I was wrong.

  • The Value of Direction
    Deliberate Living

    The Value of Direction

    It's no secret that I like to plan. It's isn't just about the end result which is working on the best activities (when I stick to the plan). I also enjoy the planning itself. Most of my life is driven by plans and lists. And it works for me - for the most part. But new years is more about direction for me.

  • Tone Your Flabby Task List

    Tone Your Flabby Task List

    Do you know how to use a task list to its fullest potential? Do you ever find yourself forgetting things, because they weren't on your list? Or realizing that you forgot to check your list and missed doing something important? Or turned away from it because it was overwhelming? These are all signs of a flabby task list. Just as getting in physical shape requires a little effort and perseverance, so does getting your task list in shape. Here are five ways to shape it up:

  • podcast

    Podcast Episode 72: Switching Systems

    I love bright and shiny as much as the next person. Besides having all the new tools, and the untarnished promises that a new system brings, it also feels productive because I am working on my productivity system. But shifting systems is a big deal because there is a lot of switching time between. Today we’ll talk about how and why in Episode 72 called Switching Systems.

  • pareto housecleaning

    Applying Pareto To Housecleaning

    I've talked about the 80/20 principle before. Formally known as the Pareto principle, it says that 80% of the results will come from 20% of your effort. Today I want to apply this rule to housecleaning.