Help! I’m Always Rushing To Finish Things!
During July, I am going to answer some questions from readers about specific problems they are having with their productivity systems.
There are times when we have to go into “crunch mode” to get something done on time. Yet if this is a habit for you, there might be something else at work.
It is very stressful to always be rushing to finish things. Besides the fact that we expect our bodies to do extra effort while shortchanging sleep, exercise and proper nutrition, there is also the physiological effect of the cortisol (the stress hormone) has on our bodies. If we routinely put ourselves into fight-or-flight mode we risk burning ourselves out, or like the boy who cried wolf, leaving ourselves unable to respond well during a true need.
Why Are You Rushing
Why are you rushing? There are a bunch of reasons, ranging from poor planning to being an adrenaline junkie to procrastination to simply having too much to do. The solution to finishing things at a more sedate pace can be found in why you are rushing. Consider each of the causes below and see if you can incorporate these changes.
Poor Task Estimate
Many time rushing to finish is simply because we didn’t plan accurately. Estimating tasks is a skill that can be learned and refined (see 5 Time Estimating Tips)
By learning to estimate tasks accurately, you can leave yourself enough time to get them done….without rushing.
Procrastination…why do something today if you can put if off for tomorrow? Yet this sort of attitude cuts into the time you might have to complete the task. We leave ourselves too little time to do the task at hand and end up rushing.
Procrastination is a habit, and habits can be broken. While it is a particularly difficult habit to break, sitting down and planning out time slots with accurate estimates can help. Most procrastinators balk at this because it seems too limiting; but actually putting time on your schedule…and honoring those commitments…is a good way to break the procrastination habit.
Too Much To Do
Sometimes we are rushing simply because there is too much to do. We all can get over-committed, and when this happens we will generally end up rushing.
If you look at your task list with the time estimates and discover that you have 48 hours worth of tasks to accomplish in the next day, that is a sure sign you have too much to do.
Rebooting your life (sign up for the ebook here) can help with this habit.
If you find yourself rushing to finish things at the last minute, figure out why you are rushing. It may be one of poor task estimation, procrastination or too much to do, or a combination of them. Whatever the cause, taking steps to stop the rush can make you more relaxed and more productive.
Do you rush to finish things habitually? Why? What will you do about it?
Photo by Nina Matthews Photography. Licensed under Creative Commons.