8 Productivity Stations Every Home Should Have
Mondays are productivity days at SimpleProductivity blog.
When you keep like-purposed things together, close by where they are used, you can save time and effort and make yourself more productive. Here are 8 of these productivity stations that every home should have.
Cleaning Caddies
I believe that duplicate cleaning supplies, kept near where they are used, is not a complication, but rather a productivity booster. For example, it makes more sense to have a toilet brush next to each commode, rather than one you carry through the house (ick!). I have a caddy of cleaning supplies in each bathroom, and carpet cleaning solution on each floor to deal with pet hurkings.
By having cleaning supplies in your bathrooms, you will save yourself the time of hunting down supplies when you need to clean.
Charging Station
I recently made one of these out of a box I found at IKEA. A power strip inside, chargers plugged in, and I put the devices on top as they charge. No more searching for chargers, or devices.
By having your chargers in one place you will always know where your chargers are, and your devices (when they are charging).
Gift Wrapping Station
This is a wrapping paper holder in my closet that has a pouch for ribbons, and a separate tote bag that hangs from it containing gift bags. With scissors, a pen, and tape in the holder, everything for wrapping gifts is in one place.
By having a bag or pouch or box with gift wrapping supplies in your house, you will always be able to wrap a gift quickly and nicely.
Landing Pad
We have a small desk next to our main door, and each of us has a slot within that desk. Mail, keys and messages go into the appropriate person’s slot.
By having a landing pad in your house, you will have a designated place for your keys, and a place to collect your mail and messages.
Correspondence Bucket
I actually still send letters and greeting cards to people. I keep a supply of general purpose greeting cards in a box, along with a nice pen, stamps, and return address labels.
By having a correspondence box in your house, you will be able to dash off a quick letter or thank you note and brighten someone’s day – without stressing about hunting down postage.
Family Calendar
Although everything is online through Google calendar, we still have a paper calendar on the back of the door for quick reference. The family rule is that if it’s not on the calendar, it doesn’t get done. It is on the door we use to leave the house, so no one can say they didn’t see it.
By having a family calendar in your house, you will have one place where everyone can see what everyone else is doing, and cut down on problems with scheduling.
Shopping Lists
Right above the calendar is a white board with my shopping list. If it isn’t on there, it doesn’t get purchased.
By having a designated shopping list in your house, you cut down having to rely on your memory for what you need to purchase…and give others the responsibility for making sure their needs are on the list.
Hobby Bags
I realize that not everyone does writing like I do, but it is good to have a way to keep your hobby work together. I use tote bags for my knitting projects, and I can take them into whatever room I want to work in. Before the writing room, my writing was in a box that I could move into a quiet space (or out of the house)
By having a designated way to corral your hobby supplies, you will have the things you need together for when you need them.
When you have these stations in your house, you will find that you no longer have to hunt for items to complete a task. Do you have other stations? Share below.
Photo by internetsense
Great ideas! Could we see a photo of your charging station?
LJ Earnest
Thanks for asking! I’ll put the photos (inside and out) up on 3/20.
Link: The Simple IKEA Charging Station
Great point about having shopping lists that others can add to–I have been keeping electronic lists on my phone, but that does not allow my kids to add the things. Having a white board lets them share in the responsibility.
LJ Earnest
I should probably add the caveat here that everyone I know that has done this eventually finds something like “cookies” or “cheez doodles” on the list in a suspiciously juvenile hand… 🙂